
Paola Argiolas

Researcher, Operations & Supply Chain Management

Paola is a researcher who specialises in healthcare. She’s working on the Roche Privileged Partnership.

Paola is a researcher in Operations and Supply Chain Management who specialises in healthcare. Alongside Professors Brecht Cardoen, Walter Van Dyck and Filip Roodhooft, she works on the Roche Privileged Partnership, a research project focused on transmural care, a topic that is closely linked to value-based healthcare.

Before joining Vlerick, Paola worked with consultancies and NGOs – including the World Federation of Public Health Association – on international global health projects. She also has experience of the Italian hospital sector, giving her valuable insights to apply to her work on the Belgian hospital system.

Who am I?

  • Masters in Public (Global) Health at King’s College London, UK
  • Masters in Healthcare Administration at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
  • Bachelors in Economics and Business Administration at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

My expertise

  • Healthcare systems
  • Hospital operations
  • Public health policy