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Centre for Excellence in Leading Adaptive Organisations

Insights and solutions on how to adapt to an ever-changing society

Maintaining performance in turbulent conditions is easier when you know your decisions are based on the very latest insights and expert support

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate – and companies are under tremendous pressure to maintain performance in volatile environments.

Businesses have to be able to adapt quickly – without losing sight of their vision and strategy. And to do this, they have to adopt proactive, holistic approaches that cut across leadership, human resources, strategy and organisational processes and structures.

The Centre for Excellence in Leading Adaptive Organisations gives you the insights you need to develop a culture that can embrace change – and thrive.


Join a powerful community

Join the Centre for Excellence in Leading Adaptive Organisations, and become part of an interactive network that offers both individual development and learning at organisational level.

It’s a stimulating, confidential environment where members and partners share experiences and approaches – and where they can access and influence ground-breaking research. Become part of this powerful community of change-makers to take part in events, network and have direct access to our expert faculty.


Research to power your company

Our research gives your organisation the inspiration to become adaptable, create a proactive culture and thrive.

As a member, you directly influence our agenda and annual research theme – so you can be sure our findings will be relevant to your organisation. You’ll get a constant feed of customised insights, tools, white papers, models and more.

Our research topics include developing leadership frameworks, creating self-steering and managing organisations, dynamics of senior management, resilience, purpose and sustainability, learning climates, diversity and inclusion, flexibility and agility.

2016 Experience Vlerick Day

Network, explore, deepen your thinking

Every year we investigate a central theme that’s based on our members’ input. Then we explore the topics around it in interactive, full-day workshops, webinars, inspirational sessions for your organisation – as well as a residential seminar and a summer talk about your key strategic challenges.

The centre is a place to network, share ideas – and be inspired by senior leaders from other organisations and our expert faculty.

Recent research

Whitepaper: Flexing your workforce

The trend towards flexible working is not new, but the pandemic has definitely accelerated it. Investing in workforce flexibility is no longer a luxury, but a key strategic priority. As well as improving employee engagement, flexibility can improve productivity and profitability. In addition, organisations that offer greater flexibility can tap into broader pools of talent, which boosts diversity and inclusion. This white paper takes a closer look at four ways organisations can flex their workforce.

White paper: Business Ecosystems – What do they mean for your company? And how do they impact your role as a leader?

Evolving customer expectations, new regulations, technology and globalisation are all trends that are forcing organisations to rethink strategic collaborations. Stakeholders now increasingly join forces in more organic ecosystems – offering their services in collaboration, as well as in competition. How could your organisation benefit from ecosystem thinking? And how should you structure these collaborations?

The Culture Canvas Tool

The Culture Canvas is developed by the Centre for Excellence in Leading Adaptive Organisations. The tool helps you understand your organisation’s culture – and it explores implicit and explicit cultural layers, including the underlying purpose, values and behaviours that shape your workplace environment. Through questions, discussions, and interactions with your team and others, you’ll gain insight into your current cultural state. This process will help you identify the steps needed to achieve your ideal future culture.

360° ALP Tool

The Appreciative Leadership Profiler is a unique 360° feedback instrument that gives managers (and non-managers) comprehensive feedback on their competencies. It assesses performance at four levels: personal leadership, task-oriented leadership, relational leadership and change-oriented leadership. In an extensive debriefing workshop, participants translate learnings into actions.

Leadership Simulation Tool

Discover your leadership style – and get coaching on it – in this interactive game. You take on a role in a fictional triathlon clothing company. Our coaches observe you in action, carrying out a number of assignments.

Partners & members 


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Expert faculty

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Professor of Leadership

Katleen De Stobbeleir is inspired by leaders who stand up and speak – and she is passionate about those who have the courage to sit and listen.

Neveen Saied

Neveen Saied

Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour

Neveen Saied researches identity, proactivity, diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.


Join us

Become a member of our research centre, and you’ll be joining a vibrant, interactive network of senior leaders. You’ll participate in research on adaptive strategy and leadership that’s immediately relevant to your organisation – and you’ll be able to explore new perspectives and challenges with support from our expert faculty.

If you want to take your membership even further – and shape the centre’s strategy and research focus – you could consider becoming a partner.

Get in touch

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Professor of Leadership