The Knowledge-in-Action Project in Vlerick’s Executive MBA

Action-based learning defines Vlerick's MBA programmes, notably the refreshed Executive MBAs with the Knowledge-in-Action Project

Martin Butler

By Martin Butler

Professor of Management Practice

28 May 2024

Ask MBA participants about their Vlerick experience, and they’re likely to tell you two things straight away… That their learning journeys are hands-on and practical – and that the tools and concepts they learn are completely actionable. 

And this is no surprise, because our programmes have been meticulously designed to blend cutting-edge insight and approaches with practical experience and real-world context.

All our MBA programmes are characterised by action-based learning. And in our refreshed Executive MBA, the action-oriented learning is notched up a further gear. A great example of this is the Knowledge-in-Action Project.

Vlerick’s Executive MBA is available in three formats: Executive MBA (in-person), Online Executive MBA (100% online) and the European Executive MBA (blended).


Real-world business experience

This consultancy project is your opportunity to put everything you learn into action. In it, you directly address a strategic challenge in a real business environment. It could be for your employer, your own company, a new venture you’re exploring – or for an organisation you’ve never worked with before.

Professor Martin Butler, Academic Director of Vlerick’s MBA, says the Knowledge-in-Action Project is an outstanding opportunity to get real-world business experience.

“Most business schools have a project element as part of their MBA,” he says. “But it’s just not as hands-on and relevant as what we offer at Vlerick. It provides real experience of applying theoretical models and approaches in a real business environment.”

Scientific rigour, applied in practice

He continues: “Participants can choose any topic – from market analysis to new product research through to launching a start-up. The only criteria is that it has to be a real project that has a tangible impact.

“For me, this is what makes the Knowledge-in-Action Project different. Outside of Vlerick, I’ve worked with hundreds of students on projects that have very much been focused on academic reporting. This is not the case at Vlerick.

“To start with, you have two mentors – one from Vlerick, and one from the organisation the project is being carried out in.

“The latter makes such a difference. Your project is not just theoretical. It’s applied theory. One of our criteria for assessment is practical value – and this is something we focus on with your industry mentor. What are you going to achieve for their organisation?

“You get to work with a company on an amazing topic – and they get a tangible result.”

How it works              

The Knowledge-in-Action Project lasts for around six months – and you do it at the same time as your electives.

If your organisation is funding your MBA, they may have a specific challenge that they would like you to tackle with the project. Otherwise, you choose your topic based on your chosen discipline – such as marketing or digital transformation. We then match you with a Vlerick expert from that discipline, who is there to support and guide you throughout your project.

Your industry mentor acts as your guide in the organisation you’re working with. This person is a real source of insight, who can connect you with relevant experts and stakeholders throughout your project.

You’re in the driving seat – and you’re responsible for getting actionable results. But our faculty and experts are with you every step of the way, listening to your ideas, challenging your thinking, sharing best practice and making suggestions.


Hear Sylvie talk about her experience of the Knowledge-in-Action Project

Sylvie Spiessens works at a company that produces technology to treat cancer patients – and her project involved carrying out in-depth market analysis. Discover how it boosted her confidence – and opened doors she never thought possible in this video.

A return on investment for your employer

If your employer is sponsoring your Executive MBA at Vlerick, then the Knowledge-in-Action Project represents an immediate return on investment. This is because you’re tackling a strategically important challenge – and you’re doing it with the full backing of leading academic experts.

So instead of bringing in an external consultancy, your employers can develop internal expertise – at the same time as benefitting from up-to-the-minute academic thinking and approaches.

“The Knowledge-in-Action Project truly makes the investment in an MBA worth it for an employer,” says Martin. “It’s free consulting – but more importantly, it’s free consulting from an employee who is bringing new skills and experiences into their organisation for the long term.”

An opportunity to open doors

For self-funded MBA participants, the project often presents a route into a new career.

“Self-funded MBA participants can choose to do their project anywhere,” says Martin. “This makes it a valuable opportunity to connect with potential employers, get facetime with senior leaders and showcase talents.”

A safe space for entrepreneurs

And for participants who want to focus on their own entrepreneurial ventures, the Knowledge-in-Action Project is an opportunity to develop a business plan. Martin says this is invaluable.

“The project is essentially the equivalent of working full-time for three months on your business idea,” he says. “Imagine what you can do with that kind of focused time as you’re establishing a start-up. And it’s guided time – because you have access to experts and academics to ask questions and test ideas.”

Budding entrepreneurs can use the Knowledge-in-Action project to formalise their idea, create a business plan or test a proof of concept. All within the safe, supportive environment of Vlerick.

Gaining the confidence to take your next leap

Every single element of the new Executive MBA – from core courses and electives through to the Leadership development track and Entrepreneurial mindset track – is designed to help you become a leader who thinks and acts differently, who can tackle challenges and embrace opportunity.

And it’s the Knowledge-in-Action Project that allows you to test your abilities in the real world, get feedback and support from academic and industry experts – and make a tangible impact. It’s an opportunity that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Keen to learn more about our new-look Executive MBA?

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Inge Thienpont

Inge Thienpont

Customer Relationship Manager – European, Executive and Online MBA