
Management for the Hospital Professional - Future-proofing your hospital

Future-proofing your hospital


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in Open Executive Education in Belgium and #27 worldwide

This five-day module, spread over three months, explores the ever-changing challenges of hospital management. You’ll gain valuable insights and hands-on experience – and leave with actionable knowledge that takes you to the next level.

Detailed programme

This five-day module empowers you to navigate the dynamic challenges of hospital management with confidence.

You start the module with an enlightening webinar discussing how patients view the future – and the challenges it brings. Then you dive deep into exploring the essential facets of modern healthcare - including digital transformation, transmural care, patient empowerment and sustainable hospital strategies. Throughout the module, you take part in engaging sessions with real-world cases and interactive simulations – and gain valuable insights from expert guest speakers. You’ll leave the module equipped with actionable knowledge you can apply to your daily role.


Want to take more than one module?

This module is part of our 15-day Management for the Hospital Professional programme. Follow another module within three years, and you’ll receive a 25% discount on it.

This programme is Riziv accredited.

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Why this programme

  • Explore future patient expectations in a webinar
  • Learn how to develop and deploy a sustainability strategy for your hospital
  • Explore how transmural care impacts the healthcare ecosystem
  • Take part in a two-day session to learn what digital transformation means for hospitals – and how to navigate and lead your team through it
  • Learn to empower patients and drive better healthcare

Who should attend

  • Doctors and specialists
  • Heads of department
  • Policy-making professionals
  • Hospital or biological pharmacists
  • External providers for hospitals

Success stories

An Bael

One particular thing I learned is that to tackle the sticking points in paediatrics, you have to find like-minded people. The great advantage of the Vlerick programme is the network. Partly thanks to the course, I am now a member of many paediatric associations in Flanders and Belgium. It’s quite time-consuming, but probably the only way to really achieve something. I now feel like I really know what I’m talking about in several areas. Read more.

Elisabeth De Waele

In addition to gaining new insights, I wanted to be inspired. I wanted to acquire new skills and tips & tricks from the pros. I now understand better where my talents lie and which subjects, such as innovation and people management, fascinate me. I am also better able to recognise and analyze situations or challenges and approach them in a more structured way. 


Brecht Cardoen

Brecht Cardoen

Professor of Operations Management

Brecht Cardoen, director of the DBA programme, introduces you to decision science and process analytics – and their impact on manufacturing and service operations. 

Xavier Baeten

Xavier Baeten

Professor of Reward & Sustainability

Xavier Baeten is highlighting the vital role of rewarding in helping organisations deliver their strategy and gain competitive advantage.

Ester Van Haute

Ester Van Haute

Senior Researcher, Healthcare

Ester Van Haute is a researcher with practical experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Walter Van Dyck

Walter Van Dyck

Professor of Innovation Management

Walter Van Dyck supports global science and technology companies with strategic innovation management.

Stijn Viaene

Stijn Viaene

Professor of Digital Transformation

Stijn Viaene is dedicated to helping executives transform their enterprises for a digital world.

Karlien Vanderheyden

Karlien Vanderheyden

Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Karlien Vanderheyden focuses on how individuals can impact an organisation’s people, processes and performance.

Edgar Eeckman

Chairman Patient Empowerment

Edgar aims for equitable relationships between care requests and care providers.

Get in touch!

Consuela Nicula

Consuela Nicula

Programme Manager