
Leading Digital Transformation

Because digital transformation is cultural


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in Open Executive Education in Belgium and #27 worldwide


former participants


for Learning Impact

What do you need to successfully implement digital transformation? On this programme you learn that it’s not about investing in more technology.

Instead, it’s about inspiring people to work in ways that are agile enough to explore and exploit digital opportunities faster than competitors. And how are we going to do this? By developing a new breed of professionals who will guide the way – your organisation’s digital transformation leaders.

Join us to discover how to rewire your whole organisation for agility – and leverage digital transformation for competitive advantage.

Detailed programme

Over five consecutive days on campus, you’ll discover the aspects of leadership that can transform your organisation. Throughout the programme, you’ll be inspired by models, case studies and hands-on exercises.

Module 1: Understand the digital difference

  • Explore the challenges and opportunities facing today’s digital leaders
  • Discover the mindset and approaches your organisation needs to embrace

Module 2: Discover how to identify emerging opportunities

  • Know how to respond to new technology, disruption and changing customer behaviour
  • Develop your opportunity radar in yourself and others

Module 3: Embrace experimentation

  • Discover how to unleash the co-creative talent of your teams
  • Understand how to experiment to create new solutions

Module 4: Discover your organisation’s path of continuous transformation

  • Learn to mobilise your organisation’s talents and resources
  • Know how to evaluate ideas against strategic goals

 Module 5: Persuade people to join you on a journey of digital transformation

  • Discover how to turn inspiration, ideas and experiments into strategic purpose
  • Learn how to communicate big ideas to get your teams on board

The Leading Digital Transformation programme takes place over five consecutive days on campus. There are also informal evening activities where you can get to know fellow participants – and learn more about their experiences in different sectors and specialisms. It’s a good idea to book a hotel near our campus so you can get the most from the whole experience. These hotels are all nearby. 

Why this programme

  • Gain a solid understanding of the environment you need to create to drive meaningful digital transformation
  • Develop the leadership skills your organisation needs to nurture digital transformation
  • Learn how to align people, working practices and structure in a spirit of agility
  • Discover best-practice frameworks, pragmatic tools, real-life case studies and actionable insights
  • Get away from your workplace and focus on the future of your business
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Your questions, answered!

Discover everything you need to know on Leading Digital Transformation with leading Vlerick professor Karlien Vanderheyden. She shares quick answers to the most searched questions on Leading Digital Transformation.

Who should attend

  • Senior executives, middle managers and ambitious professionals who sponsor, lead or are about to lead digital transformation projects
  • Professionals who act as change agents in their organisations
  • Entrepreneurs who want to design a digital transformation roadmap for their businesses
  • Professionals from a range of different sectors and specialisms  

In previous editions, we had the pleasure of welcoming participants from companies like:

Dieteren logo
Arcadis logo
Colruyt Group logo
Medtronic logo

Success stories

Greet De Bondt

I strongly believe that embracing digital in a smart way can improve the customer experience and optimise business processes. The programme really confirmed that there is no magic formula for increasing an organisation’s digital maturity. We discovered the variety of tasks, points of view, and number of people that should be involved to get to a good result. The main learning lesson is the necessity of a roadmap for the entire organisation – and this programme provided the tools.

Wouter Van Isterdael

It was fascinating to talk to people active in diverse sectors and yet all facing the same issues. The programme also inspired me on a technological level – seeing examples set by the industry pioneers, the technological possibilities, and hearing the guest lecturers who have lived such a transformation first-hand and were eager to share their experiences with the group. Read more on Wouter's Vlerick experience.

Tamara Lievens

In my current role as Head of IT I have the ability to engage at both the operational and the strategic level. This programme’s mix of theory, energy scan and tips & tools and the shared experiences in implementing digital transformations in practice has given me lots of insights and inspiration. One of the first actions taken in the organisation was to categorise the roadmap according to the four different types of Leading Digital Transformation.

Alexandra Kolodina 1

Working in change management and innovation, I looked for a programme with an end-to-end vision and a ‘people’ aspect beyond ‘digital’. The participants all face similar challenges, and it’s a relief to hear that you’re not alone. Leading Digital Transformation isn’t easy, but it starts with understanding your company’s culture and finding the right leadership styles. Combined with agility and the courage to take risks.


Stijn Viaene

Stijn Viaene

Professor of Digital Transformation

Stijn Viaene is dedicated to helping executives transform their enterprises for a digital world.

Karlien Vanderheyden

Karlien Vanderheyden

Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Karlien Vanderheyden focuses on how individuals can impact an organisation’s people, processes and performance.

Koen Vingerhoets

Koen Vingerhoets

Executive in Residence

Koen Vingerhoets is one of Belgium’s leading experts in blockchain technology.

Get in touch!

Yulia Zhuk

Yulia Zhuk

Senior Product Manager