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Management for Young Leaders

Move into management


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in Open Executive Education in Belgium and #27 worldwide


former participants


for Learning Impact

You want to move into management – and this programme will give you the strategic approaches, financial skills and self-knowledge to make the leap. Take part to expand your leadership skills and grow into the role you want.

Detailed programme

Module 1: Developing and implementing a winning strategy 

  • Understand how strategy powers business – and know how to make it come to life for your teams  
  • Diagnose strategic strengths and weaknesses in your business or unit
  • Discover how to successfully implement strategy

Module 2: Financial fundamentals

  • Understand key financial terminology
  • Discover the cash conversion cycle, know how to assess the need for working capital – and how to optimise it
  • Read and interpret annual reports, balance sheets, P&L and cash flow statements

Module 3: Effective interactions and communication

  • Experience the strengths and pitfalls of your preferred communication and interaction style
  • Learn how you can adapt your communication styles to have greater impact on the behaviour of others

Module 4: Influencing without authority

  • Organise messages for maximum impact
  • Explore approaches for persuading people
  • Use principles of fairness to overcome resistance 
  • Communicate change effectively 

Day 5: Feedback report

  • Assess your leadership behaviour using the 360° feedback tool
  • Benefit from expert Vlerick coaching, in small, safe groups

Why this programme

  • Strengthen your financial understanding and strategic know-how
  • Develop the confidence and ability to take on your (next) managerial role
  • Get feedback and coaching on your leadership approach
  • Experience the power of networking with peers who face similar challenges and opportunities

Who should attend

  • First-time managers who want to grasp business knowledge and leadership skills
  • Professionals with the potential and ambition to grow and take the next step in their career
  • Employees who want to make a difference in their organisation.

In previous editions, we had the pleasure of welcoming participants from companies like:

Knapp logo
Sitra logo

Success stories


This programme teaches you the main aspects of leadership and gives you insights into financial, strategic and business management in which the human approach is central. Great for networking and thinking out-of-the-box! The full day of coaching allows you to grow as a person and as a better leader.

Yannick Vliegen

This programme has inspired me and improved my confidence. It gives you the foundations for making good decisions, and it makes you more confident that your decisions will also be accepted by your company. I can definitely recommend this programme to everyone who has just started to manage a team.

Anneleen Quirynen

This programme gave me the intellectual framework (both hard and soft skills) to support me when taking the next step in my career. The 360° leadership report was excellent: it gave me insight into my own leadership style; and with the help of my coach and peers, I have concrete action plans to achieve my goals.

Jonas Verstraete_1

This programme covers the major aspects of management – from strategy to finance, from people management to power and influence. It gave me the chance to expand my network and become a better leader. I’m also finding that participation in the programme opens doors, in my company and beyond. I definitely recommend it!


Katleen De Stobbeleir

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Professor of Leadership

Katleen De Stobbeleir is inspired by leaders who stand up and speak – and she is passionate about those who have the courage to sit and listen.

Carine Peeters

Carine Peeters

Professor of Strategy

Carine Peeters is a firm believer in boosting company performance through people.

Mathieu Luypaert

Mathieu Luypaert

Professor of Corporate Finance

Mathieu Luypaert explains how insights into financial figures and decisions can lead to value creation.

David Patient

David Patient

Professor of Leadership

David Patient explores the effects of managerial communication, power and influence.

Veroniek De Schamphelaere

Veroniek De Schamphelaere

Lecturer of Human Resources Management

Veroniek De Schamphelaere is an HR expert with extensive practical experience, who advises on process and career development

Get in touch!