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Strategy in uncertain times

Discover how to turn uncertainty to your advantage


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in Open Executive Education in Belgium and #27 worldwide

When change is constant, how do you plan for the long term? Today’s professionals need to factor uncertainty into their decision-making and planning. They need a mindset of continuous adaptation. And they need to evolve their organisations to become more flexible.

This three-day programme explores the impact of uncertainty on decision-making, introduces strategic tools to plan for uncertainty, and addresses how to develop adaptive capabilities and implement flexible strategies.

Detailed programme

This is why we’re launching a three-day programme, where international strategy experts will focus on strategy in the face of uncertainty – and share practical tools with you. Throughout this three-day programme and follow-up webinar, you’ll discover how to embrace uncertainty and make it work for your organisation.

Module 1: Understanding uncertainty

  • Understand the challenges and opportunities associated with uncertainty
  • Discover how uncertainty impacts strategy and decision-making
  • Learn strategies to deal with different degrees of uncertainty

 Module 2: Planning for uncertainty

  • Explore and experiment with strategy analysis tools including pre-mortem analysis, scenario mapping and war games
  • Leverage strategic foresight to identify opportunities and minimise risk
  • Discover how to formulate future-proof strategy

Module 3: Organising for uncertainty

  • Assess your organisation’s level of adaptability – and explore ways to boost it
  • Learn to leverage the power of people in implementing adaptable strategies
  • Build an action plan for your organisation

Module 4: Follow-up webinar

  • Review your action plan and reflect on implementation challenges
  • Define next steps to turn uncertainty into an advantage

Why this programme

  • Discover an integrated, proactive approach to anticipating, embracing and planning for uncertainty
  • Be inspired by international experts, like-minded peers, proven methodologies, experiential activities and real-life cases
  • Develop a strategy toolbox that turns uncertainty into an advantage for your organisation
  • Gain the confidence to make decisions and take action in uncertain times
  • Learn to empower your people to implement adaptive strategies
  • Develop an action plan for yourself and your organisation
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Why this programme? 

Professor Kerstin Fehre explains how “Strategy in Uncertain Times” equips organisations with strategic tools to transform uncertainty into opportunity, fostering a resilient workforce and agile decision-making to maintain a competitive edge.

Who should attend

  • Mid to senior executives and managers
  • Managers responsible for developing forward-thinking strategies and action plans
  • Managers who want to change the way strategic decisions are handled – and move towards agile implementation


Carine Peeters

Carine Peeters

Professor of Strategy

Carine Peeters is a firm believer in boosting company performance through people.

Kerstin Fehre

Kerstin Fehre

Professor of Strategy

Kerstin Fehre is passionate about strategy and explores the ways organisations make strategic decisions.

Martin Weiss

Martin Weiss

Professor of Strategy

Martin Weiss furthers corporate strategy in a world of uncertainty and unpredictability.

Get in touch!