From Vlerick to the world

International student exchange opportunities

Expand your horizons even further by studying abroad for part of your Vlerick Masters programme. Our global curriculum and diversity will help you develop an international mindset. And you can take this to the next level with an international student exchange at one of our partner schools.


Take part to:

  • Gain an education from two top business schools
  • Immerse yourself in a new culture
  • Expand your network abroad
  • Enhance your career prospects
Nice Outgoing Exchanges page Masters

Exchanges typically take place between January and April, and they are currently open to students of the following programmes:

Our partner schools


How it works

Your specific outgoing exchange opportunities - which may or may not include financial support - will be presented to you shortly after the start of your academic year at Vlerick, after which applications will open. Selected candidates will be nominated towards the host school.

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Based on the type of agreement Vlerick has with the partner school, some exchange opportunities may benefit from Erasmus+ grants. These grants partially cover subsistence and travel. For students with disabilities, there may be additional grant support available. 

International festival
Carlos Martins Thumbnail video new

How Carlos expanded his horizons even further

Thanks to the exchange opportunities available during his Masters programme, Carlos Martins was able to go on an international exchange to Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Germany. Carlos shares how it enabled him to expand his knowledge even further and also made some important professional connections.


Our Masters students who embarked on an international exchange share their experience:

MIMS Ponomarev Elena_Nova

"The NOVA SBE campus, a five-minute walk from the ocean, was a very inspiring environment. The exchange allowed me to broaden my knowledge in marketing analytics, international marketing strategy, and the circular economy. I was able to build a network which I can reach out to throughout the rest of my career. A highlight for me was a two-day hackathon where I had the opportunity to work and network with the executive directors of a large Portuguese retail brand. Meeting new people from all over the world through group works, social gatherings and organised trips, made it even more enriching."

Martinez Lopez Andy

"Going to Nice for an exchange at EDHEC Business School was probably the best choice of my life. It has not only been a great learning opportunity completely in line with the MFM program, but also an opportunity to meet people from all around the world, enjoying a great area to live in, and looking at a shiny sun every day from the amazing terrace the school has.”

MIMS Leitl Andrea_Stockholm

“Going on an exchange to Stockholm School of Economics was one of the best experiences of my life. I especially loved meeting reindeer and seeing the Northern Lights – but the academic experience was superb too! I learned how to lead global virtual teams in a course with Yale School of Management and 10 global business schools, helping me grow my network and gain hands-on experience. I highly recommend going abroad – you won’t regret it, and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life!”

Van Goethem Vincent (2)

“The exchange programme at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management really spoke to me: Visiting one of the biggest financial centres in Europe and adding another triple-accredited business school to my resume. Arriving in Frankfurt, it was extremely interesting to discover the school's way of working, how the classes were being taught,... The exchange gave me a chance to work together with people from business schools around the globe, whilst also gaining fresh and insightful perspectives on new topics.”

Get in touch!

Giovanni Delaere-MacLean

Giovanni Delaere-MacLean

* Co-funded by the European Union. The European Union support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.